Saturday, February 21, 2004

A New Start!

Welcome! Don't worry, we are not abandoning the ideas and focus that Veterans for Dean - the Blog started with 6 months ago. Like Gov Dean, and DeanforAmerica itself, which transformed American politics and the Democratic party, this is a good time for a new beginning! Please continue to join me, along with your friends, as we keep the heat on to replace the Bush administration in November, lock, stock, and barrel. Veterans, active duty forces, the Reserves and National Guard - and their families - will continue to have a strong, progressive voice here.

The Dean campaign linked to, and supported, this blog from the beginning, and this blog will continue to support future efforts to "take back America." All VetsforDean archives are still available for you to look through. Please see them, along with many other links of interest, over on the right side of this blog. I look forward to your joining me and speaking your mind, as well. See you back here on Monday!

Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link