'$2,000 Meal, but no Utensils'
It was a mouthwatering menu. Not that you'd expect less for $2,000 a plate.
Seered beef tenderloins with golden tomatoes on an herb-encrusted baguette. Grilled garlic chicken with smoked gouda on a honey wheat wrap. Fruits and gourmet olives and crudite. A gourmet luncheon with only one thing missing: something to eat it with.
The explanation was at the bottom of the menus distributed at President Bush's $1.5 million Charlotte fund-raiser Monday.
"At the request of the White House, silverware will not accompany the table settings," it said in discreetly fine print.
No silver. No plastic.
The lack of utensils might have been why many plates went virtually untouched.
The reason: So the tinkle of silver wouldn't disrupt the president's speech.
"They're just doing it so people can eat their meals prior to or after the president's speech," said spokesman Reed Dickens, who said it's standard procedure for fund-raisers. "It's just a logistical issue. Nothing more."
Apparently the White House doesn't worry about all diners.
Behind a rope on the side of the ballroom next to many paying guests, reporters scarfed down their own buffet. It came with silverware.
Hmmmm. let's see:
A war but no exit strategy
A war but no WMDs
A booming economy with no jobs
Veterans needing help, but inadequate health care
And now a banquet without utensils...
Perfectly describes this presidency, doesn't it?
.....a government without leadership.
Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link
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