Thursday, June 10, 2004

Everything's Changed...

I’ve been in a coma for 10 years, and I’ve just come out. I’ve been told the year is 2006. But something doesn’t seem right. The $10 bill has Ronald Reagan’s picture on it. I appreciated President Reagan in a lot of ways – after all he got rid of the Berlin Wall - but like every presidency, he had more than a few things go very wrong.

Now I see that the Pentagon has been renamed the Reagan War Center. Wal-Marts are now called Reagan-Marts. The Big-Mac is now the Reagan-Mac with Reagan Fries. Weird, I must still be dreaming, but there’s more. The Supreme Court is now called the Reagan Court of Justice. And, didn’t FDR used to be on the dime? Not anymore. And SUVs are now RUVs – you can guess what the acronym stands for. And what happened to the Statue of Liberty? It’s been replaced by a 150-foot tall Reagan in cast bronze with a cowboy hat on. Oh, and you are not going to believe this, but I just saw what must be the new American flag and...

Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link