Thursday, June 17, 2004

Monkey See, Monkey Do...

B: Ok, let’s get this cabinet meeting going – it looks like a good golf day. What’s up?
R: Umm, lets see, 40+ Iraqis killed this morning.
P: But transition is still on track.
B: Well we’re still safer than we were three years ago, and that’s what matters…

P: Umm, that may not be the case in terms of pure stats, Mr. President…
B: What are you talking about, I’ve used every opportunity for the last year to drum into my followers that we are safer – how come I didn’t hear about this? This is going to be somebody’s a--...
P: Mr. President, this has been all over the news the last week, you couldn’t have missed...

B: How many times do I have to tell you people that I don’t have time for what people write or say? Just follow my lead and…
P: But we were way off in our statistics at State...
B: How far off???
P: There has been about a 40% rise in terrorism over the last year, not a decline, and...
B: Bury it!
P: We can’t, it’s out.

B: OK, Karl, this is a job for you. Just make sure we get something out in a hurry, for a diversion, got it?
KR: Got it...I have just the quote I need from Bill O’Reilly.
B: Good buddy, Bill! What did he say?
KR: Something like, "Just lie and keep repeating the lie, and pretty soon it becomes the truth." It’s from Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda. O'Reilly basically used the quote to call everybody on liberal talk radio, like Al Franken, and everyone in show business a Nazi...
B: Perfect, I like it.

Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link