Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I Feel Much Safer Now, Don't You?

We didn't find WMDs, but with the ruthless dictator gone, we are much safer now!

But prepare for a major terrorist attack that is intended to disrupt our democratic processes.

We didn't find WMDs, but with the ruthless dictator gone, we are much safer now!

But our military forces are so stretched because of Iraq, projections show that by early next year, 40% of our forces there will be reserves and national guard.

We didn't find WMDs, but with the ruthless dictator gone, we are much safer now!

But, our Congress was scared enough to be buffaloed into renewing the Patriot Act provisions - including watching what you check out at your local library. (Note: we used to call this Communism).

We didn't find WMDs, but with the ruthless dictator gone, we are much safer now!

But, if we have another major terrorist attack on the U.S., and we need to restore order, where will our national guard forces be? Anybody thought about that one?

We didn't find WMDs, but with the ruthless dictator gone, we are much safer now!

But, you know, we may just have to suspend elections permanently. All hail, King George the IV!

Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link