Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Delegates Mock Kerry Veterans with 'Purple Heart' Bandages

Delegates to the Republican National Convention found a new way to take a jab at Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam service record: by sporting adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on them.

Morton Blackwell, a prominent Virginia delegate, has been handing out the heart-covered bandages to delegates, who've worn them on their chins, cheeks, the backs of their hands and other places.

This may seem funny to them, but it's not funny to me - and it shouldn't be funny to you if you are a veteran, are on active duty, or know someone who is. It's shameful, disgusting, and inexcuseable.

Donna Cain, an Oregon delegate, wore a purple heart bandage on her wrist.

"Probably a lot of people are handing them out because they are very symbolic," she said. Kerry, she said, "has made the war that he served in far more important than his recent records of the last 18 to 20 years."

As a representative from my state, Ms. Cain, you and your ilk are an affront to me personally. Your outrageous excuse at humor has crossed the line. Is that what you call "Supporting the Troops?"

The troops can see right through it.

Kerry's campaign quickly responded to the purple heart bandages, saying the Republicans are "mocking our troops."

Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link