Monday, September 13, 2004

This Is a Commander-in-Chief?

The Bush Administration would have you believe there is no real difference between him and Sen. Kerry when it comes to Iraq. That's because the war and your fears are all Mr. Bush has to run on. So let's drive home some basics:

George W. Bush has made the wrong choices and weakened
the country:

- He told the nation that if we gave him the authority to go to war, he would continue on the path of a diplomatic solution and not rush to war.
- He promised to lead a coalition, but instead rushed to war without a strong coalition of allies and without a plan to win the peace.
- We are now spending $200 billion and counting because of George W. Bush's wrong choices. America is paying 90 percent of the bill in Iraq.

- In the Gulf War our allies paid 95 percent of the costs.

Conflict and The Percent of Costs Paid by U.S.

Gulf War I --- 5%
Bosnia --- 22%
Kosovo --- 16%
War in Iraq --- 90%

He told the nation that he would take every precaution possible to protect our troops, but, by his own words, he "miscalculated" in Iraq. He did not listen to his military professionals, and did not take in enough troops into battle, nor did he arm them adequately.

$200 Billion & counting:

- $200 billion for Iraq, and we don't have the resources
to make health care affordable for all Americans.
- $200 billion for Iraq and we don't have the resources
to invest in job training and job creation.
- $200 billion for Iraq and we don't have the resources
to address
the deficit that threatens Social Security.
- $200 billion for Iraq and we don't have the resources
to invest
in making America energy independent.
- $200 billion for Iraq and we don't have the resources
to do all that we should for homeland security.

All of this talks about misplaced judgment, decision making, and priorities - key components of leadership that we expect in a president.

Every successful enterprise measures its overall performance. The Bush enterprise lacks the basic leadership skills, and by every measure (excluding their own polls), is failing its constituents.

Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link