To My Faithful (and Unfaithful?) Readers...
For the third time in three weeks, my hard drive has been virus- attacked, and crashed. The very smart folks who have fixed it each time said that because I'm doing all the possible preventative stuff reasonably well, something else is going on, perhaps just by connecting to a particular blog/site that I frequent. So for awhile, I'm going to cut down my surfing significantly to see if we can isolate the problem. I'll still be blogging.
But then Roger the techie asked offhand, "Is there anybody that really doesn't want you on the net?" And I answered, yes probably a lot of folks.
As I've said before here, I'm not one to jump on a conspiracy theory bandwagon, but just in case, I think some kind of a computer WMD would be nice response, don't you? I think I'll ask W if he can help me out and find one somewhere...
Posted by a Vet -- -- permanent link
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